Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Star Parker the Republican Mascot has a "Cure" for Poverty!

With the firm belief that faith and free market principles are key to curing poverty, Star Parker founded the Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education (CURE) in 1995 to jump start national dialogue on issues of race and poverty.

Star Parker is a mascot and bullshit artist for the republican party.

Faith in God does not create wealth. Knowledge, loans, hard work, and faith in yourself, your group, community and leadership is what creates wealth, thereby, curing poverty. God and wealth is an oxymoron. If God was concerned with wealth then Africans who are on the richest continent on the planet wouldn’t be the poorest people on earth.

Republicans have made it so that mascot’s like Star Parker, can live a wealthy six-figure lifestyle because of her firm belief in them and not because of her belief in God. Not unless she sees her republican benefactors as godlike.

She even states that before her 501c3 hustle as a so-called activist her hustle was being a welfare queen. After the 1992 Los Angeles riots destroyed her business of selling ass and buying crack she had the same epiphany that the former pimp Don “Magic” Wand, had and that is to legally pimp people via the Lord’s Word.

And once Star Parker, got her fill of food-stamps and was no longer in need of the service, she turned to getting paid peanuts from Republicans by helping to demolish the welfare safety net for millions of poor moms who are mostly white. Which strangely is the same thing that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been trying for years to do with demolishing Affirmative Action. After Clarence Thomas has used Affirmative Action to elevate his entire career, he now wants to slam the Affirmative Action door in the face of the next group of minorities, in our racist controlled judicial system, who need it.

It’s funny how someone who talks about a free market in a capitalist society can forget that it costs a lot of money to get a good education if you want to get a good job. And if you don’t want a job, but instead want to create one, then that also costs money. Star Parker is not digging her manicured fingers into her six-figure grant money pockets to help the next welfare recipient go to college or start her own business.

Star Parker even boasts proudly on her government grant money (welfare) website that she “was instrumental in developing and passing the 1996 Federal Welfare Reform bill. And Parker used her testimony of faith and entrepreneurism to make time limits and work requirements part of national law.”

Star Parker states on her website that her primary focus is to use the media as a tool for molding public policy in hopes of making poor neighborhoods even poorer. Because with a dysfunctional educational system and without money to get a good education then you won’t get a good job. And without money to open up a simple grocery store or any other local business for yourself then you will have to get on welfare or get a 501c3 like Star Parker.

In the media, CURE aims to get paid by interjecting opinions on and debate issues that impact race by screwing over poor minorities and crapping over poverty concerns of poor whites.
Touting individual merit to uneducated individuals is like throwing someone in the middle of a pool without teaching them how to swim and preaching personal responsibility. Well, to paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, “America has a sickness for chopping poor people off at the knees and then blaming them for being a cripple.

Cure uses policy think tanks to (get paid off of ) educate allied organizations and their members (on how to keep poor people poor) and conducts a college lecture series that challenges students of government (to see if the students can recognize Cure’s bullshit rhetoric), social work and political science to study free market and conservative-conmen alternatives to entitlement programs (Cure is an entitlement program so that Star Parker can get her naps permed, her chicken-head claws manicured and her elephant hoofs pedicured).

Star Parkers so-called “Cure” for poor people is really her way of subliminally getting revenge on blacks for destroying her business during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Even though Star Parker had let everyone in the neighborhood know that it was her business (black-owned) the rioters destroyed it anyway because the people in the neighborhood neither liked nor respected Parker. So this is her way of getting back at the black and Hispanic community.

There are different forms of welfare in our society like the government grant money going into Star Parker’s organization so she can cut herself a weekly check for stabbing poor people in the back.

After the 1992 Los Angeles riots destroyed Parkers’ business she became instrumental in developing and passing the 1996 Federal Welfare Reform bill.