Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Star Parker the Republican Mascot has a "Cure" for Poverty!
With the firm belief that faith and free market principles are key to curing poverty, Star Parker founded the Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education (CURE) in 1995 to jump start national dialogue on issues of race and poverty.
Star Parker is a mascot and bullshit artist for the republican party.
Faith in God does not create wealth. Knowledge, loans, hard work, and faith in yourself, your group, community and leadership is what creates wealth, thereby, curing poverty. God and wealth is an oxymoron. If God was concerned with wealth then Africans who are on the richest continent on the planet wouldn’t be the poorest people on earth.
Republicans have made it so that mascot’s like Star Parker, can live a wealthy six-figure lifestyle because of her firm belief in them and not because of her belief in God. Not unless she sees her republican benefactors as godlike.
She even states that before her 501c3 hustle as a so-called activist her hustle was being a welfare queen. After the 1992 Los Angeles riots destroyed her business of selling ass and buying crack she had the same epiphany that the former pimp Don “Magic” Wand, had and that is to legally pimp people via the Lord’s Word.
And once Star Parker, got her fill of food-stamps and was no longer in need of the service, she turned to getting paid peanuts from Republicans by helping to demolish the welfare safety net for millions of poor moms who are mostly white. Which strangely is the same thing that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been trying for years to do with demolishing Affirmative Action. After Clarence Thomas has used Affirmative Action to elevate his entire career, he now wants to slam the Affirmative Action door in the face of the next group of minorities, in our racist controlled judicial system, who need it.
It’s funny how someone who talks about a free market in a capitalist society can forget that it costs a lot of money to get a good education if you want to get a good job. And if you don’t want a job, but instead want to create one, then that also costs money. Star Parker is not digging her manicured fingers into her six-figure grant money pockets to help the next welfare recipient go to college or start her own business.
Star Parker even boasts proudly on her government grant money (welfare) website that she “was instrumental in developing and passing the 1996 Federal Welfare Reform bill. And Parker used her testimony of faith and entrepreneurism to make time limits and work requirements part of national law.”
Star Parker states on her website that her primary focus is to use the media as a tool for molding public policy in hopes of making poor neighborhoods even poorer. Because with a dysfunctional educational system and without money to get a good education then you won’t get a good job. And without money to open up a simple grocery store or any other local business for yourself then you will have to get on welfare or get a 501c3 like Star Parker.
In the media, CURE aims to get paid by interjecting opinions on and debate issues that impact race by screwing over poor minorities and crapping over poverty concerns of poor whites.
Touting individual merit to uneducated individuals is like throwing someone in the middle of a pool without teaching them how to swim and preaching personal responsibility. Well, to paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, “America has a sickness for chopping poor people off at the knees and then blaming them for being a cripple.
Cure uses policy think tanks to (get paid off of ) educate allied organizations and their members (on how to keep poor people poor) and conducts a college lecture series that challenges students of government (to see if the students can recognize Cure’s bullshit rhetoric), social work and political science to study free market and conservative-conmen alternatives to entitlement programs (Cure is an entitlement program so that Star Parker can get her naps permed, her chicken-head claws manicured and her elephant hoofs pedicured).
Star Parkers so-called “Cure” for poor people is really her way of subliminally getting revenge on blacks for destroying her business during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Even though Star Parker had let everyone in the neighborhood know that it was her business (black-owned) the rioters destroyed it anyway because the people in the neighborhood neither liked nor respected Parker. So this is her way of getting back at the black and Hispanic community.
There are different forms of welfare in our society like the government grant money going into Star Parker’s organization so she can cut herself a weekly check for stabbing poor people in the back.
After the 1992 Los Angeles riots destroyed Parkers’ business she became instrumental in developing and passing the 1996 Federal Welfare Reform bill.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
For Al Sharpton, pimpin' is easy if you're prostituting Black Americans!
98.7 Kiss FM New York - Hi, this is Reverend Al Sharpton we’re calling on our community to come forward and become partners for justice. In the next 30 days we’re calling on 100,000 people to become justice partners with the National Action Network by going to our website or mailing “ten dollars” to keep the justice movement on track. If it’s racial profiling, if it’s police misconduct, if it’s Don Imus, wherever it is all over the country, we’re there. We need you to be a partner with just “ten dollars” to keep justice on track. No justice, no piece!
What you’ve read above is Al Sharpton calling out to poor people in New York City to send him a million dollars ($10 dollars a piece) so that he can fly around the country to reprimand white men who say something or do something racist.
If Al Sharpton wants to play the role of a mammy by chastising good ol’ white-boys after they have misbehaved then there’s enough racism in New York City for him to “address” and to give racist, within the white community, a piece of his mind as if they care and as if it’s a cure for what’s ailing black America. If Reverend Al Charlatan sticks to “addressing” the white racial immorality here in New York City then he won’t need a million dollars to spend in fancy hotels for him and his entourage. He can sleep in his New York residence. Not unless he is still spending thousands of dollars for him and his mistress Marjorie Harris to have sleepovers in Trump Towers.
And, if Reverend Al Charlatan were to stay home in New York City to promote his white-moral-supremacy-movement he wouldn’t need a million dollars from poor people for him and his entourage to eat at 4-star out-of-town restaurants. He could get a free meal from local restaurants who support his white-moral-supremacy-movement like he usually does.
Also, if Sharpton were to stay his fat-ass at home he wouldn’t need to spend thousands of dollars of poor “gentrified” people’s money on first-class airfare to fly over the body’s of black-brutality victims to get to the victims of police brutality or have chauffeur driven cars to and from the airport and his hotel room. He could take the New York City subway for only 24 dollars a week just like the poor people whose 10 dollars he is trying to pimp-out on.
Remember, 97% of black American’s are killed by Nigga’s. And guns don’t kill black people, Nigga’s kill black people. Also, for every black person who is killed by police brutality and turned into martyrs by the Negro elite, 99 innocent blacks who are killed by Nigga-brutality are almost forgotten. There aren’t any marches every time a black American is killed by a Nigga, if there were, there’d be marches everyday in every city across the country. This subliminally sends a message to the Nigga killers that it’s okay to murder black people (even children) if their killer is black. Having a stop the violence march every three months after 90 black women and children are killed by local Nigga-brutality does not a movement make. Nor is it a realistic solution, obviously, if you read the papers and watch the news.
Are there any real leaders out there who can “solve” black America’s problems without vicariously “addressing” white America’s problem (racism)?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Some Do It For Charity "Butt" Conrad Muhammad Tillard Does It For Popularity!
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After doing a half-way decent, yet, better job at hosting the Gary Byrd Show than its namesake on WBLS in New York on Sundays, Conrad Tillard flip-flopped harder and quicker than John Kerry. After defending Bill Cosby over the remarks of the slick talking poverty pimp Michael Eric Dyson, Conrad Tillard made an about face and acted as though no one was listening by inviting the wife of the racial pimp [Dyson] to air her support for Hillary Clinton the following Sunday. Everyone I knew that listened on both Sunday’s found it odd that Conrad would fold to the whims of Michael Eric Dyson and his wife Marcia Dyson when his view of Mr. Dyson seemed so firm and accurate.
But, word is that when Conrad Tillard went to partake in the Essence Festival he was confronted by Susan Taylor who is a good friend of the Dyson’s. Ms. Taylor scolded Conrad for his criticism of Mr. Dyson. An insider said that he wouldn’t be welcomed as a speaker at the Essence Festival if he didn’t make a mends to the Dyson’s. Word is, that he also received pressure from the radio shows original host Gary Byrd. Most people in New York know that Gary Byrd is the type of radio personality who supports any so-called black leader no matter how incompetent, or how much of a poverty pimp he or she is as long as they are a part of the “white man is picking on us” church choir every Sunday. The majority of the blacks on Byrd’s radio program are ones who don’t run anything in the black community but their mouth’s and the “non-profit” organizations that the “white man” funds for them so that they can afford to live in New York City while it‘s being gentrified.
On the program Marcia Dyson spoke in support of Hillary Clinton for president and when she was challenged by callers on her reasons for she supported Clinton, Marcia Dyson kept saying that it was because of the healthcare plan that Mrs. Clinton was touting in the mid 1990’s while the Rwandan genocide was occurring during her husbands presidency. After a while Marcia Dyson repeated Hillary Clinton’s old healthcare plan so much that callers began to ask her what was she getting personally ($) for supporting Mrs. Clinton.
These slick talking preacher-pimps would sell their mother just to be viewed as leaders. I have asked a few people of every ethnic group you can name, the question of whether they would support the wife of a person who was president that did nothing to stop the slaughter of over 800,000 people of their ethnic group and half of them said no. The other half said hell no!
These Negro leaders had more temper tantrums over one African immigrant by the name of Amadou Diallo getting shot 41 times then they did over the 800,000 Rwandans who were getting chopped up. So why should they show them any respect now by not supporting any of the Clinton’s.
Why is it that so-called black leaders want white leaders to respect and care about black people when they themselves have a funny way of showing it?
Monday, July 16, 2007
No Checks, No Balance!
Once upon a time in Black American communities there use to be balance. You had those who were about self-reliance (the liberationist) versus those who were about dependency (the integrationist). Now in the 21st century the lines have been blurred. Since the Negro civil whites leaders integrationist philosophy has won favoritism from Uncle Sam, Black American communities have went through a moral and economic decline.
Back in the day, Malcolm X use to refer to civil whites leaders as “the so-called Negro”. Now the so-called Negro has flipped the script and is now calling every black person that he or she doesn’t like, a so-called Negro. Strange isn’t it, how the table has turned in favor of the Negro civil white leadership during the turn of the century?
Malcolm X and other self reliant Black leaders even chastised Dr. King for accepting money and awards from the opposition before the fight for civil rights was won for poor people. One group of Black leaders putting another group of Black leaders in check when they did shady dealings was a good thing. Now everyone is a civil whites leader and they all are above reproach. The white man is to blame for causing black problems and not solving black problems.
Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and even Booker T. Washington were liberationist. They wanted to liberate Black American’s from having to depend on Uncle Sam for jobs, housing and schooling. Real leaders don’t have to call White leaders names in hopes that they will soften up and solve Black American’s problems for them. True leaders would figure out how to solve the problems in spite of their oppositions help. Reprimanding Don Imus, Michael Richards and TMZ.com for their derogatory statements may help to make them morally “supreme”, but it doesn’t build Black-owned businesses, housing or schools and it does nothing in raising the level of morality within the Black community at all.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
N.Y.C. Council Speaker Christine Quinn: Weapon of Mass-distraction?
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“Hi Christine. You look nice today.” Uncle Sam said, while smiling. “Listen. I want to get right to the point of why I asked you here today. Your family needs you, Christine. There‘s some property in Brooklyn that’s under the watch of some rather unfriendly Negro’s. Some of my nephews who are developers want that property, Christine. No, they need that property, damn it!” Uncle Sam stated, emphatically.
“So what does that have to do with me, Uncle? Your nephews from, Trump to Ratner, is buying up land and developing it across the whole tri-state area without any real opposition from Negro leadership. We know that the Negro isn‘t concern with owning anything, they just want your nephews to give them a few jobs when the construction starts and affordable rents when the job is over.” Christine said, as a matter of fact.
Uncle Sam stood for a second and looked at her. She was right in a way. Ratner had already paid off Negro leaders like Al Sharpton and Herbert Daughtry. Sharpton and his mistress was even paying thousands of dollars a month in rent to Donald Trump in order to have their affairs in one of his luxury apartments. But Uncle Sam wanted insurance. There weren’t enough racial issues to keep Negro leaders busy and they may wake up and want a piece of the action. If the Negro started to own buildings and businesses in his own neighborhood then that would be the ultimate act of self determination and liberation. And if that was to happen then the Negro would no longer have to depend on Uncle Sam and his corporate nephews for jobs and housing.
Uncle Sam stood tall, looked down at Christine and asked, “What was the last thing that happened to keep the Negro leader busy marching and whining?”
It didn’t take Christine long to answer, “The Sean Bell shooting!” Ms. Quinn bellowed.
“Yeah, but you know the Negro leader has attention deficit disorder. We need something else to keep them riled up. That way, while they’re marching their people out of their communities and up to city hall, my nephews can begin to march into their communities to start buying and building up all those millions of dollars worth of real estate that the Negro is just sitting around and watching it rot.” Uncle, leaned back a little and stroked his beard before continuing. “Now I’ve heard that the city council has a list of street namings coming up. And what I want you to do, since you are the city council speaker, is put a little fly in the Negro’s ointment by denying one of their request.”
Christine looked at her Uncle peculiarly and said, “But which one?”
“Sonny Carson.” Uncle Sam replied. “He was a personal friend of theirs and therefore, knowing the ways of the Negro as I do, they will forget about the lack of jobs in their community and throw temper tantrums until their dead friends name is on a street sign. You see Christine, Negro’s think that the community is theirs because they live there and have their leaders names on parks, post offices and street signs. Not because they actually own the millions of dollars worth of buildings and businesses within the community.”
“Whoa, Uncle. That’s Charles Barron’s community. He’s going to lose his damn mind over this. You picked a good one to mess with.” Christine Quinn, chimed in.
“His community is one of the poorest in the city and yet his main concern is police brutality and being the moral mammy of my nephews. We need to play off of that mentality and use it to our advantage. ” Uncle Sam retorted.
“We can easily mess with Barron’s head and distract him. His racial emotions outweigh his economic intellect, the poor people suffering in his community is proof of that. You have always been able to out think Negro leaders, Uncle. Is there anything else you’d like me to do Uncle?”
Uncle Sam smiled and added, “Yes. We should throw in a little something extra to help the Negro leaders sustain their indignation. What I want you to do is add the name of Al Jolson to the mix since the Negro leader prefers to be the moral mammy of our race rather than his own. And if you do this successfully Christine, then it will show that you have the tits for higher office. Now go and make me proud.”
“Thank you, Uncle. I will.“ Christine Quinn looked at her Uncle admirably and walked toward the door but before exiting she turned and asked, “Uncle. Who is Al Jolson?”
“Google him!” Uncle Sam replied, seemingly annoyed.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Jesse Jackson: The Moral Mammy of White America!
The Rev. Jesse Jackson Arrested at Gun Shop Demonstration;Calls for Tougher Gun Laws
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The Rev. Jesse Jackson was arrested Saturday at a demonstration outside a south suburban gun shop and charged with one count of criminal trespass to property.
Jackson was arrested when he refused to move away from the entrance to Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale, police said. He has protested with other community activists outside the shop in recent weeks after a 16-year-old honor student was gunned down on a city bus.
Police said the shooting was gang-related but the teen was not the intended target.
Jackson, who says the gun shop's proximity to Chicago provides gang members and criminals easy access to firearms, has used the protests to call for stricter gun laws.
The Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Catholic priest who oversees a South Side congregation, also was arrested and charged with Jackson. A message seeking comment from the gun shop was not immediately returned Saturday afternoon.Two teens have been charged as adults with taking part in the May shooting of Blair Holt, an honor student at Julian High School.
Is Jesse Jackoff on dope? Does he really think that KKK sympathizers really give a damn about “Niggers” using guns brought from their shops to kill each other? Can somebody tell this Negro civil whites leader that the days of getting sympathy from throwing childish tantrums in front of white men ended with the 1960’s.
This Negro is just wasting millions of our tax dollars that his Rainbow (fag-hag) organization receives from the whitey he loves to hate by the name of Uncle Sam and his corporate nephews. The 10 to 20 thousand dollars that he and Al Charlatan spends per trip to denounce bad white men and to endorse good white men could be going to create jobs in poor black neighborhoods. Damn, why do black leaders hate white people more than they love black people?
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Gary Byrd Vs. Conrad Tillard: Who's the more objective host?
The only time a listener can call in and chastise or reprimand a so-called black leader is when that leader doesn’t go along with a superficial civil whites issue, street naming, legislating the “N”-word, or police brutality. Other than that, in Gary Byrd’s opinion, so-called black leaders are doing a great job. Although, the communities that they get paid $3,000 plus per week to represent is suffering economically, go figure.
Poverty equals crime; more crime equals more police; more police equals more police brutality. But, in Brooklyn you have black councilmen who brag about bringing home 29 million dollars to study black unemployment which is a joke to everyone but Gary Byrd, who makes 200,000 dollars a year?
On Gary Byrd’s show the needs of the few police brutality victims out weigh the needs of the many black brutality victims. The new Negro tricknology is to mention black brutality on these Sunday black talk shows so that if the hosts are challenged by the many blacks whose family members are affect by black brutality then the host can say we’ve “addressed it” or “touched upon it” so the host can tell the listener that they don‘t know what the hell they‘re talking about. But if you’d actually clock the amount of time given to black brutality versus police brutality and who is affected the most by either one, it would make you suspicious about the motives of the host who gets paid by white advertisers but say they have the interest of the black community at heart.
Having Conrad Tillard take over the Gary Byrd talk show was an improved difference. Especially when reverend Tillard, held 2 so-called black leaders accountable. When reverend Tillard, denounced slick talking poverty pimp, Michael Eric Dyson for not digging in his pockets to invest (charity is another form of welfare) in the black communities that he makes his hustle off of, it was applauded by everyone I know who tuned in to listen. If Michael Eric Dyson was to give ten percent of the money he makes from books about black poverty and misery to black people in his community that want to open up grocery stores like undereducated Hispanics, whom by the way, have done a great job in putting bodega’s on every corner in the black community, it would create a realistic change. Michael Eric Dyson doesn’t even use his money to help other black writers with getting their work published and marketed. And if Mr. Dyson was to put his money where his mouth is, and as much as he runs his mouth, that could cause a ripple affect across our nation.
The other so-called black leader that reverend Conrad Tillard brought up was Negro Jethro intellectual Cornell West for refusing to teach at HBCU’s to help mold young black minds but preferring to teach at iv[or]y league colleges to educate mostly white students. Well, I guess its to be expected from Mr. West. He is after all part of the civil white leadership community and their mantra and creed is to be, “the moral conscientiousness (mammy’s and fag-hags) of white America. Coincidently, it just so happens that Michael Eric Dyson and Cornell West are the same two people that Chris Rock clowned on PBS’s Tavis Smiley show recently, hmm.
One of the major reasons why black talk radio is losing it listeners and ratings is because the hosts have not been able to do their job effectively when it comes to holding black elected officials and civil white leaders accountable in terms of their priorities. Black talk show hosts have become too friendly with black elected officials and therefore unable muster up the courage to focus on the lack of pork and/or grant money to take part in purchasing buildings and businesses in what once was the black community. No one I know wants to sit around listening to grown-ass black men whine and complain for hours on the radio about how white men are picking on so-called black leaders. As if so-called black leaders aren’t as morally corrupt and incompetent as George Bush.
If black talk radio on Sunday doesn’t change its format from being the moral conscientiousness of white men, while ignoring the immorality and screwed-up priorities of so-called black leaders, then poor blacks won’t care whether or not the new ratings system will keep them from being on the air to collect a hefty check from white advertisers on Madison Avenue.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Cindy Sheehan Rides Off Into The Sunset on the Back of Jesse Jackson!
Below are excerpts' from Cindy Sheehan's goodbye letter posted on dailyKos.com. And why I left the democratic party and the civil whites movement.
At least White American's have a "two-party" system. Black American's only have one and that is the "civil-rights" party with a bunch of democratic mascots who make a living off of Uncle Sam's pocket lint while their communities kill each other for cell phones and ipods to sell. If you listen to Black talk radio on Sunday's here in New York you are a darling to the Negro's who host the show as long as you limit your disgust to white leaders immorality and incompetence and not the immorality or incompetence of so-called black leaders. Unless that so-called black leader fails to go along with Negro non-economic superficial issues like; banning the "N" word or street namings and apologies for slavery.
However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the "left" started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of "right or left", but "right and wrong."
However, when I started to hold civil white leaders to the same standards that they hold whites, support for my calls started to erode as well. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of poverty and black people killing each other for a buck is not a matter of "white or black", but of green. When you hold so-called black leaders to the same standards that they hold white leaders to, these Negro's look at you like you are crazy. Whether these Negroes are civil white leaders, preachers, or politicians; they will curse you or cut you if you critique their style of leadership and priorities. Although it bares more fruit ($) for them than it does for their community.
I am deemed a radical because I believe that partisan politics should be left to the wayside when hundreds of thousands of people are dying for a war based on lies that is supported by Democrats and Republican alike. It amazes me that people who are sharp on the issues and can zero in like a laser beam on lies, misrepresentations, and political expediency when it comes to one party refuse to recognize it in their own party. Blind party loyalty is dangerous whatever side it occurs on. People of the world look on us Americans as jokes because we allow our political leaders so much murderous latitude and if we don’t find alternatives to this corrupt "two" party system our Representative Republic will die and be replaced with what we are rapidly descending into with nary a check or balance: a fascist corporate wasteland. I am demonized because I don’t see party affiliation or nationality when I look at a person, I see that person’s heart. If someone looks, dresses, acts, talks and votes like a Republican, then why do they deserve support just because he/she calls him/herself a Democrat?
I am deemed a radical because I believe that being the moral conscientiousness (Mammy) of white leaders should be left to the wayside when millions of young blacks are killing each other over chump change based on the lies that black people can't run a simple grocery store/bodega without a college education which is supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. Blind civil white leadership loyalty is dangerous without questioning who, what and where are they getting millions of dollars to fly around the country first class, to get their hair and nails done, thousand dollar suits, four star hotels, chauffeur driven transportation, pay millions of dollars for their chapters rent and staffing; in order to reprimand and denounce bad white leaders and to swoon and endorse good white leaders.
It amazes me that people who are sharp on "racial" issues and can zero in like a laser beam on lies, misrepresentations, discrimination and bigotry when it comes to white leaders but refuse to recognize it when it comes to black leaders. Blind racial loyalty is dangerous whatever side it occurs on. People of the world look on Black American's as jokes because we allow our so-called leaders so much Negro latitude and if we don't find alternatives to this corrupt civil rights style of leadership, poor communities will continue to be gentrified without the locals participation. I am demonized because I don't see why ending racism is more important than ending poverty. And why is it that thousands of black people since 1865 are able to get paid in spite of the most racist periods in American history and without a college degree (Al Sharpton).
The average bodega makes close to $70,000 per year ($1,400 a week) and has an average of 2 workers. Most Hispanic's who own and operate bodega's come from countries where the educational system is poor and their english is even poorer. 3/4's of the American work force is hired by small local businesses. My mother ran her grocery store for 15 years without a high school education and without ever going to a program to learn what the meaning of a sole proprietorship is.
I have also reached the conclusion that if I am doing what I am doing because I am an "attention whore" then I really need to be committed. I have invested everything I have into trying to bring peace with justice to a country that wants neither. If an individual wants both, then normally he/she is not willing to do more than walk in a protest march or sit behind his/her computer criticizing others. I have spent every available cent I got from the money a "grateful" country gave me when they killed my son and every penny that I have received in speaking or book fees since then.
Big ups to Cindy Sheehan for putting her money where her mouth is. And instead of making money from her "Covenant" with her son, Casey, who was killed in Iraq, she decided to spend it all in his name.
I have also tried to work within a peace movement that often puts personal egos above peace and human life. This group won’t work with that group; he won’t attend an event if she is going to be there; and why does Cindy Sheehan get all the attention anyway? It is hard to work for peace when the very movement that is named after it has so many divisions.
I have also tried to work within a civil rights movement that often puts personal egos, photo opts, soundbites and government/corporate grant money above the wealth of their community. And why is ending poverty more important than ending racism anyway? It is hard to work for prosperity when the very movement that is named after being the moral conscientiousness of white America is filled with civil white leaders.
To read more click on: dailyKos.com